Girls' Brigade

GB Motto:  ‘Seek, Serve and Follow Christ’ 

Girls’ Brigade is a uniformed organisation for girls aged from 4+. 

The aim of the Girls’ Brigade is to help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ through self control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life. 

We meet every Monday evening in term time and cover a range of activities. A typical evening includes games, badge work, Bible story and craft or cooking of some kind. 

The badge work incorporates four key areas: Spiritual, Physical, Education and Service. 

Explorers (n:vestigate badge work): 4-7 years –> 18:00 – 19:30 
Juniors (n:gage badge work): 7-11 years –> 18:00 – 19:30 
Seniors (n:counta badge work): 11-14 years –> 18:30 – 20:00 
Brigaders (n:spire badge work): 14+ years   –> 18:30 – 20:00

We also run various activities during the year for the girls to take part in, for example outings to Drusillas and Knockhatch, visit to a local farm, tenpin bowling, baking day, sponsored walk and so on.

When there is an all-age service, (second Sunday in January, March, May and July), we attend the family service at the Church, along with the Boys’ Brigade. 

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