
 Life Groups at VBC are a place to study the Bible and deepen your relationship with Jesus. As a result we want to offer a wide variety of resources to help people do this. Below are links to resources that you can use/ buy to help you and your life group go deeper with Jesus. 

Eden online Christian  book shop is a great place to buy your resources (other bookstores are available!) (@edencouk) / Twitter 

A  good  study book for new Christians or those exploring the faith  is this one " First Steps" by John Robertshaw  there are some in the Welcome centre bookstall  free of charge.  alternatively you can purchase a copy 


 First Steps - John Robertshaw

If you want to get a good overview of the big picture of the Bible story. These studies are great and accessible to all.

Bible Plot

Bible Plot - John Robertshaw


Romans 1 - 7 For You    Romans 1-7 Tim Keller   Romans 8 - 16 For You  Romans 8-16 Tim Keller

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