Most Recent Bible Studies
These are the most recent studies from the last month @VBC. They can also be accessed, once removed from here, by searching the topic or theme. E.G. Jacob, Romans, Visiting speakers, One off studies etc.
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These are the most recent studies from the last month @VBC. They can also be accessed, once removed from here, by searching the topic or theme. E.G. Jacob, Romans, Visiting speakers, One off studies etc.
A series on the most famous of Jesus' teachings.These teachings are the foundation to Kingdom living with insights that go beyond our behaviour and reach our heart to change our attitudes. They are the blueprint for life in the Kingdom of God.
Connecting@Chritmas. Four sessions around the theme of connecting (like your mobile connects). Waiting, searching, sending, connecting
A series on the character of Jacob by Chris Short. Jacob's life is a picture of struggle. Even from before he was born he wrestled with his brother. This series looks at some of the ways Jacob wrestled with life and even God, to draw out some important principles for us today.
A reflection on Psalms 1-9. this is a generic Bible study that can be used for individual or groups. The Psalms are an amazing collection of songs, prayers and poems that cover the whole range of human emotions. The psalmist asking difficult and challenging questions of God, but always ultimately realising that God knows better and is sovereign over everything.
A series on the book of Jonah based on sermons by Rev Chris Short. Jonah is a facinating story full of surprises and highlights several key Biblical truths such as "Salvation comes from the Lord." Jonah's reluctance to obey can sometimes reflect our own experience in following God. His refusal to enjoy God's mercy towards the Ninevites also highlights our desire to make God work to our own agenda rather than recognise His mercy is for everyone.
Studies from a series in Micah preached by Jez Taylor. Micah lived in a time when Isreal was in trouble. They had rejected the Lord in favour of money, exploitation of the poor and idol worship. God judges his people fairly yet demonstrates mercy at the same time. He calls on them to "Act justly", "Love mercy", and "walk humbly with their God." What do these three things mean and how are they a picture of true Chrsitian discipleship?
A series on the Holy Spirit by Chris Short. In this series we explore who the Holy Spirit is, what His role is, how he can change us and empower in order to for us to do the will of God. Topics include the armour of God, the fruit of the Spirit and spiritual gifts. We will discover that as Christians we are in a spiritual battle and the Holy Spirit is fighting with us. AMEN!
Advent and Christmas series 2023 by Chris Short. This short series explores key women in the genealogy of Jesus who played an important role in shaping the story of Jesus. There are some surprising characters who we might not expect to find in the backstory of God’s Son. There is a lot to learn from these amazing women.
A series of studies based on Revelation for Everyone by Tom Wright. There are ten sessions but you may wish to take longer with some studies. This is a fascinating book which has intrigued people for centuries. The style is apocalyptic and as such has a great deal of symbolism and imagery. The issue is often how much is symbolic and how much is literal. The key message which underpins it all is one of encouragement, God is in control. Good wins and evil is destroyed. Enjoy!